"This book is for you, and every text feature is meant to help you learn and succeed in your chemistry course.
The Mastering platform is the most widely used and effective online homework, tutorial, and assessment system for the sciences.
Maintaining the clear, approachable writing style characteristic of author Karen Timberlake, Basic Chemistry, Fourth Edition, adds to its suite of problem-solving tools and techniques necessary for success in chemistry.
The Eleventh Edition introduces more problem-solving strategies, including new concept checks, more problem-solving guides, and more conceptual, challenge, and combined problems.
"The Seventh Edition has been written with students like you in mind who are encountering organic chemistry for the first time.
Building on the clear, friendly writing style and superior art program that has made "Conceptual Chemistry" a market-leading text, the Third Edition links chemistry to the real world and ensures that readers master the problem-solving ...
Note: This is the standalone book, if you want the book/access card order the ISBN below: 0321802632 / 9780321802637 General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: ...
Study Guide for Introductory Chemistry
Introductory chemistry students need to develop problem-solving skills, and they also must see why these skills are important to them and to their world.
The new edition introduces a fully integrated book and media package that helps you to become an expert problem solver.