Were you looking for the book with access to MyLab Math Global? This product is the book alone and does NOT come with access to MyLab Math Global. Students, if MyLab Math Global is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab Math Global should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. There's no doubt that a manager's job is getting tougher. Do it better, do it faster, do it cheaper are the pressures every manager faces. And at the heart of every manager's job is decision-making: deciding what to do and how to do it. This well-respected text looks at how quantitative analysis techniques can be used effectively to support such decision making. As a manager, developing a good understanding of the quantitative analysis techniques at your disposal is crucial. Knowing how, and when, to use them and what their results really mean can be the difference between making a good or bad decision and, ultimately, between business success and failure. Appealing both to students on introductory-level courses and to MBA and postgraduate students, this internationally successful text provides an accessible introduction to a subject area that students often find difficult. Quantitative Analysis for Decision Makers (formerly known as Quantitative Methods for Decision Makers) helps students to understand the relevance of quantitative methods of analysis to management decision-making by relating techniques directly to real-life business decisions in public and private sector organisations and focuses on developing appropriate skills and understanding of how the techniques fit into the wider management process. Key features: The use of real data sets to show how analytical techniques are used in practice “QADM in Action” case studies illustrating how organisations benefit from the use of analytical techniques Articles from the Financial Times illustrating the use of such techniques in a variety of business settings Fully worked examples and exercises supported by Excel data sets Student Progress Check activities in each chapter with solutions A 300+ page Tutors Solutions Manual
"Welcome to the 7th edition of Quantitative Analysis for Decision Makers (previously titled Quantitative Methods for Decision Makers).
Quantitative Methods for Decision Makers covers everything you need to know for an introductory quantitative methods course.
The volume of teaching, training and research activities in the field of MOR at military schools and non-military schools enhanced considerably.
Visual signposts throughout the text guide the student to the online platform to provide a seamless interaction between the two thus providing a multi-faceted learning experience.
This best-selling book flawlessly blends problem formulation, managerial interpretation, and math techniques with an emphasis on problem solving.
... Quantitative Decision-making. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 6. Mood AM (1983) Introduction to Policy Analysis. Elsevier. 7. Frci D, Ruloff D (1989) Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis. Nijhoff. 8. Miser HJ, Quade ES (1988) Handbook of Systems Analysis ...
This book describes the new perspective of naturalistic decision making. The point of departure is how people make decisions in complex, time-pressured, ambiguous, and changing environments.
... edition of Decision Making in Systems Engineering and Management, the authors deliver a comprehensive and authoritative overview of the systems decision process, systems thinking, and qualitative and quantitative ... analysis techniques and ...