Coffey, A. and Atkinson, P., Making Sense of Qualitative Data (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1996), 26. 15. Rubin, H.J. and Rubin, I.S., Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1995), 238. 16.
Revised edition of Marketing research, 2012.
This edition has been significantly updated, with new content, updated cases studies and a major focus on the issues and methods generated by new technologies"--
Marketing Research
Written for students studying market research at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, this book provides a comprehensive commentary on this increasingly important subject.
This text uses a practical six-step framework for conducting marketing research, utilizing a variety of marketing companies to highlight qualitative and quantitative research strategies.
The book addresses issues relating to market research applied to the sports business. It aims to cover both theory and practice, targeting students, academics and sports clubs and organisations.
embrace Digital Marketing Asset Management Systems within Tourism Ireland and partner organisations. ... is author of Europe's leading marketing resear methods textbook (Marketing Research: Applied Insight) now in its sixth edition.
`I read this book in a single sitting.
As a result, a newer, trimmer version of the marketing research report is being used by many companies. This executive-ready report is based on four principles: conciseness, adaptability, readability, and balance.2 Smartphones and email ...
This is the perfect (and essential) supplement for all econometrics classes--from a rigorous first undergraduate course, to a first master's, to a PhD course.