Elliott and Quinnʹs English Legal System

Elliott and Quinnʹs English Legal System
Justice, Administration of
Emily Allbon, Sanmeet Kaur Dua


"An introduction to the complexities of law, with clarity Elliott & Quinn's English Legal System, 21st Edition, by Allbon and Dua provides a deep understanding of the English Legal System and how it works in practice. This text has been relied upon by generations of students and is renowned for its wide-ranging coverage and signature writing style. Key features include: Topical debates to engage you in the discussion points and reforms of today Relating the law, processes and procedure to our everyday lives Clear structure designed to aid systematic understanding of broad topics Putting the law in context through the Bigger Picture Key cases described and analysed in depth within a text box Glossary to explain complex concepts Updated annually with all major case law and legislative developments, this 21st Edition includes coverage of: Debate of recent cases such as Miller in relation to constitutional law and Brexit Uber and Deliveroo 'gig' economy cases on employee status Modernisation of the administration of civil justice system Owens v Owens divorce case and resulting Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill enabling no-fault divorce Recent recommendations regarding the promotion of ADR Review of LASPO by MOJ and implications for criminal justice English Legal System is the ideal companion for anyone studying law at university. This edition is also available as an Enhanced ebook to enrich your studying experience. It has features like: self assessment questions with dedicated feedback to help gauge your progress, deep links to key case reports, statutes & other sources of interest that provide access a wealth of wider reading, end of the chapter quiz that gives further opportunity to consolidate understanding and prepare for exams"--

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