With a renewed focus on job-relevant skills, the newest edition of this bestselling text helps management and non-management students alike better prepare to enter the workforce. Management, 15th Edition, Global Edition, vividly illustrates effective management theories by incorporating the perspectives of real-life managers. Through examples, cases, and hands-on exercises, students will see and experience management in action--helping them develop the specific skills that employers are looking for and understand how the concepts they're learning about actually work in today's dynamic business world.
For Principles of Management courses. This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States The practical tools of management presented through in-depth practice.
This edition has been thoroughly streamlined and reorganized from the ground up, with updates and revisions in every chapter, to describe and interpret the functions of modern marketing management in the 21st century
Offering a wealth of functional examples and applications, this text emphasizes the notion that all managers need basic human resource management skills."--Publisher's website.
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends...
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Student Value Editions also offer a great value; this format costs significantly less...
The foundation to building a successful small business Taking a practical, hands-on approach to entrepreneurship, this text equips students with the tools and critical-thinking skills needed for small business success.
New features for this edition: marginal icon to note key concepts key terms listed at the end of the chapter with chapter page cross-references expanded coverage of key topics: kanban, supply chain concepts, system selection, theory of ...
But , after a month of trying , Karen gave up in disgust : " The system I wanted was sold in only three stores in my area and through an online firm . Two of the stores overpriced the stereo by $ 75 . The third store had a really good ...
Introduces he processes of new venture creation and the critical knowledge needed to manage a business once it is formed. This text offers complete coverage and a practical hands-on approach to entrepreneurship.
Thoroughly integrated with the text, MyFinanceLab places personalized practice opportunities just a few clicks away and provides a truly interactive learning experience.