Financial Accounting for Decision Makers, 10th Edition (PDF)

Financial Accounting for Decision Makers, 10th Edition (PDF)
Business & Economics
Pearson Higher Ed
Peter Atrill, Eddie McLaney


For Financial Accounting modules on undergraduate and MBA courses. Understand financial accounting principles and techniques, and develop skills to make informed business decisions An accessible introduction to the subject from two highly regarded accounting authors, Financial Accounting for Decision Makers, 10th edition by Peter Atrill & Eddie McLaney focuses on the ways in which financial statements and information can be used to improve the quality of decision making. Updated with examples that show the pressure facing industries as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the book regularly illustrates the outworking of financial accounting in real business issues. It maintains a clear, friendly style throughout, and is essential reading whether you are on an accounting degree or studying financial accounting modules within other disciplines. ‘My many students and I have used this book for years now and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a very accessible introduction to financial reporting.’ Dr Andrew McFaull, Deputy Programme Director of BSc Accounting and Finance, King's College London Instructors, personalize learning with MyLab Accounting By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLabTM personalises the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab Accounting for this edition includes over 1200 questions that can be assigned to students. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Accounting search for: 9781292409153 Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 10th edition with MyLab Accounting Package consists of: 9781292409184 Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 10th edition 9781292409122 Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 10th edition MyLab Accounting 9781292409139 Financial Accounting for Decision Makers 10th edition Pearson eText

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