Recent attention concerning National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance pertains to unauthorized disclosures of two different intelligence collection programs. Since these programs were publicly disclosed over the course of two days in June, there has been confusion about what information is being collected and what authorities the NSA is acting under. This report clarifies the differences between the two programs and identifies potential issues that may help Members of Congress assess legislative proposals pertaining to NSA surveillance authorities.
The resolution of inquiry is a House procedure that seeks factual information from the executive branch. The resolution is privileged and may be considered at any time after it is properly reported or discharged from committee.
Prevention and response to sexual violence in the military is not a new concern, nor is sexual violence a problem confined to the military.
Kuwait has been pivotal to the decades-long U.S. effort to secure the Persian Gulf region because of its consistent cooperation with U.S. military operations in the region and its key location in the northern Gulf.
The information included only scratches the surface on most of these issues. More detailed information can be obtained by consulting the CRS reports referenced herein, or by contacting the relevant CRS expert.
The Navy's large UV programs pose a number of oversight issues for Congress, including issues relating to the analytical basis for the more-distributed fleet architecture; the Navy's accelerated acquisition strategies and funding method for ...
The Congressional Oversight Manual was developed about 25 years ago following a three-day December 1978 Workshop on Congressional Oversight and Investigations.
The Coast Guard's proposed FY2020 budget requests a total of $657 million in procurement funding for the NSC, OPC, and FRC programs. This volume discusses the various classes of cutter to be procured, as well as technical and budget issues.
Current law requires the President to submit a comprehensive federal budget proposal to Congress no later than the first Monday in February.
U.S. arms sales to Taiwan have been significant. The United States also has expanded military ties with Taiwan after the PRC¿s missile firings in 1995-1996. However, there is no defense treaty with Taiwan. Charts and tables.
It is the first in a three-part series of CRS reports that make use of analytical frameworks to better understand complex problems in border and transportation security and cast them in terms that facilitate the consideration of alternative ...