The search for Han Solo! Determined to rescue their friend from his carbonite prison, the heroes of the Rebel Alliance undertake mission after mission to track him down - while staying one step ahead of the Empire! But Darth Vader remains equally determined to capture Luke Skywalker, and - with the evil Emperor Palpatine - prepares one final trap to reunite father and son. It all culminates in a gorgeous comic book adaptation of Return of the Jedi - but the story doesn't end there! The rebels have one final mission: to defeat the last remnants of the Empire and create a New Republic to unify the galaxy once more. But another Dark Lord is waiting in the wings! Collects STAR WARS (1977) #74-88, STAR WARS ANNUAL (1979) #3 and STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI #1-4.
Cade Skywalker and his crew are back to their old pirating ways, but soon find themselves stranded on Tatooine - with a trio of Black Sun assassins on their trail! Elsewhere, Imperial deep-cover agent Morrigan Corde has plans of her own.
When the Empire falls, a New Republic rises!
Let the dark times begin! Marvel welcomes Star Wars to the Epic Collection program, with this first volume of a series focusing on the years that follow "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith"!
Collects Star Wars (1977) #39-55; Empire Strikes Back Monthly (Uk) #149, #151 And #153-157; And Star Wars Monthly (UK) #159.
When young Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn is dispatched to prevent a civil war, he has a close encounter with the Dark Side!
The classic original Star Wars comic-book series begins with an action-packed adaptation of Episode IV A New Hope, then continues the story of Luke Skywalker and his rebel friends as they fight on against the Empire in the dark shadow of ...
Collects Star Wars (1977) #24-38, Annual #1, Star Wars Weekly (UK) #94-99, #104-115.
Collecting Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic #38-50, Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic _ War #1-5 And Material From Star Wars Tales #24.
Let the dark times begin! Marvel welcomes Star Wars to the Epic Collection program, with this first volume of a series focusing on the years that follow "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith"!
Tales Of The Jedi Jan Duursema, John Ostrander. yes. at a terrible price. it is time to put aside the forcesabers. the weapons skew the balance. WRITER: JOHN OSTRANDERSTAR WARS: • ARTIST DAWN & COLORIST:OF THEJAN.