... flow on almost flat manifolds, Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Münster (2007) 20. R.S. Hamilton, The Ricci flow on ... stability of algebraic Ricci solitons. J. Reine Angew. Math. 713, 181–224 (2016) 25. H. Kadioglu, T.L. Payne, Computational ...
These are especially helpful for the neophyte to obtain a solid foundation in hydrodynamic stability. To access the supplementary material go to extras.springer.com and type in the ISBN for this volume.
Stability of Parallel Flow
MR918697 [58] Nicola Enrietti, Anna Fino, and Luigi Vezzoni, The pluriclosed flow on nilmanifolds and tamed symplectic forms, J. Geom. Anal. 25 (2015), no. 2, 883–909, DOI 10.1007/s12220013-9449-y. MR3319954 [59] Lawrence C. Evans, ...
This edited volume has a two-fold purpose. First, comprehensive survey articles provide a way for beginners to ease into the corresponding sub-fields.
Since there are several excellent books on stability theory, the author selected some recent topics in stability theory which are related to existence theorems for periodic solutions and for almost...
Regularity Theory for Mean Curvature Flow
... Curvature Pinching, J. Diff. Geom. 32 (1990), 713-774. M. Gromov, Structures Metriduee pour les Varietes Riemanniennes, Pairs :CEDIC 1981. M.J. Gursky, Compactness of Conformal ... Stability of the Kähler-Ricci Flow 42 SHU-CHENG CHANG.
... almost contact structure. Then i. Z 1 then (¢3,§, fi,§) is an H-contact structure Qfand only has constant mean cur1/ature inAZl/A10. Moreoi/er ii. n ... Stability of the Geodesic Flovv 259 4.6. Harmonicity and Stability of the Geodesic Flow.
This book gives an introduction to the study of extremal Kähler metrics and in particular to the conjectural picture relating the existence of extremal metrics on projective manifolds to the stability of the underlying manifold in the ...