Abstract: This paper investigates etudes from Étude en douze exercices S.l36, Douze Grandes Études S.137 and Études d'exécution transcendante S.l39 by Franz Liszt. The Étude en douze exercices S.136 served as the main melody and overall structure, which Liszt later developed into the 12 Grandes Études S .13 7. Douze Grandes Études was the performing version for Franz Liszt himself, which formed the basis for the well-known Études d'exécution transcendante S.139, revised in Weimar. Recently, S.136 is experiencing a revival as pedagogical repertoire, possibly due to the readily accessible editions in the public domain. Studying S.136 before studying the subsequent versions may help the performer grasp the underlying technical and musical concepts Liszt intended to express. This paper will also include a discussion of the preparation, interpretation and technical aspects of a transcendental etude.
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