U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircons collected from the Chesterian Wedington Sandstone allows interpretation of sediment provenance and dispersal patterns in the southern midcontinent during the Late Mississippian. Detrital zircons analyzed from six samples of Wedington Sandstone yielded a final result of 565 concordant analyses used for interpretation. Results are plotted as Probability-Density Plots to interpret the spectrum of ages. Significant peaks occurred at 350-500 Ma, 950-1250 Ma, 1300-1500 Ma, 1600-1800 Ma, 1800-2300 Ma, and >2500 Ma. These peaks are interpreted as sourced by crystalline rocks within the Laurentian craton from Taconic-Acadian, Grenville, Midcontinent Granite-Rhyolite, Yavapai-Mazatzal, Paleoproterozoic, and Superior Provinces. The high percentage of grains derived from Acadian, Taconic, and Grenville Provinces indicate the Appalachian Mountains were the primary source of sediment during the Chesterian. The Midcontinent Granite-Rhyolite and Yavapai-Mazatzal Provinces were the second most prevalent source terranes, indicating the Nemaha Ridge was uplifted and supplying a significant amount of sediment by the Late Mississippian. Sediments were likely transported from both eastern and western sources into a drainage basin moving sediments south into northwest Arkansas, where they were deposited on the Arkoma shelf as a small constructive delta complex.
Bonnichsen , B. , 1987 , Pre - Cenozoic geology of the West Mountain - Council Mountain - New Meadows area , westcentral Idaho , in Vallier , T.L. , and Brooks , H.C. , eds . , Geology of the Blue Mountains region of Oregon , Idaho ...
... Jerome , City Coll ( CUNY ) , ( 902 ) Sparks , David , Columbia Univ , ( 308 ) Sparks , Thomas N. , ( 608 ) 257-5500 , Kentucky Geological Survey , ( 006 ) Spatta , Carolyn D. , ( 510 ) 881-3193 , Cal State , Hayward , ( 903 ) Spayd ...
With the experience in the preparation and evaluation of G - 1 and W - l as a guide , the originators of USGS II were able to avoid a number of pitfalls that raised doubts about the earlier samples . Details were given by Flanagan ...
Along the shore of Great Salt Lake, the problems associated with water damage are also compounded by the presence of salt in the water. In areas where flooding is deep and of long duration, ...
CASE STUDIES ON SECONDARY OIL MIGRATION IN THE WILLISTON BASIN * M. LI , K. G. OSADETZ , M. G. FOWLER , L. R. SNOWDON , L. D. STASIUK , H. YAO Geological Survey of Canada , 3303-33 St. N.W. , Calgary , Alberta , T2L 2A7 , Canada R. J. ...
Origin and Paleoclimatic Significance of Large-scale Patterned Ground in the Donnelly Dome Area, Alaska
Geology of the Darren District. In: Hughes. S.J.S. The Darren Mines. British Mining No. 40. Northern Mine Research Society, 131-141. matley, c.a. 1928. The Pre-Cambrian complex and associated rocks of south-western Lleyn ...
Hart, E.W., and Bryant, W.A., 1997, Fault-rupture hazard zones in California – Alquist-Priolo earthquake fault zoning act with index to earthquake fault zone maps: Online, California Division of Mines and Geology, ...
Filling your geoscience toolbox -- Plate tectonics -- Mineral properties, identification, and uses -- Rock-forming processes and the rock cycle -- Igneous rocks and processes -- Sedimentary processes, rocks, and environments -- Metamorphic ...
Excursions in Historical Geology: A Modular Program