Abstract: The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the knowledge and attitudes about advance health care directives among community dwelling Hispanic older adults. The theme that emerged from 10 interviews was shared decision-making; with the older adult having the power to make autonomous decisions regarding their own end of life medical care and diffusing controls to external factors such as family, God, and doctors. Although respondents viewed the advance health care directive as a positive tool for end of life decision making, barriers to completion included (a) lack of knowledge, (b) lack of initiative on the part of the older adult and the physician to discuss end of life care, (c) health status, (d) religious beliefs, and (e) provoking sadness and worry within the family.
R. Jayes et al . , Do - Not - Resuscitate Orders in Intensive Care Units Current Practices and Recent Changes , 270 JAMA ... Brennan , Ethics Committees and Decisions to Limit Care , 260 JAMA 803 ( 1988 ) ; H. Perkins , Clinical Ethics ...
3 See, for example, comments by the Hon Haddon Storey, Attorney-General for Victoria, on the second reading of the Instruments (Enduring Powers of Attorney) Bill in Victorian Parliamentary Debates, Legislative Council, 28 October 1981.
... Jochen (Hg.): Zivilrechtliche Regelungen zur Absicherung der Patientenautonomie am Ende des Lebens: eine internationale Dokumentation = Regulations of civil law to safeguard the autonomy ofpatients at the end oftheir life.
The book deals with recent legislative changes and developments in the countries surveyed."
We have to be in charge of our overall well-being, and has compiled this book to help you do just that. -- adapted from author's note, pages [8-9].
Explains the varieties of advance health care directives (such as "living wills") and medical and financial Powers of Attorney, questions to ask, and concerns to explore so your wishes are carried out for end-of-life care.
This planner has plenty of space for changes and additions. It can contain anything you think needs to be here.Fill in as little or as much as you feel necessary. This is for you and those loved ones left behind.
Jane Brody's Guide to the Great Beyond: A Practical Primer to Help You and Your Loved Ones Prepare Medically, Legally, and Emotionally for the End of Life Jane Brody (Random House, 2009) Long-time health columnist for The New York Times ...
Die Palliativmediziner Gerhard Pott und Durk Meijer verdeutlichen am Beispiel der Niederlande und Deutschlands die deutlich unterschiedlichen Positionen in Europa zur Hilfe beim Sterben, zur Leidensminderung, zum assistierten Suizid und zur ...
The Best Way to Say Goodbye: A Legal Peaceful Choice at the End of Life