... 397 Pearman, Speed, 397 Pearman, Zillie, 397 Pearson, Bathsheba, 327 Pearson, C.W., 327 Pearson, Charles, 327 Pearson, Elizabeth P. Bradshaw, 327 Pearson, Henry, 305 Pearson, Robert R., (32nd/58th AL Inf F), 326, 327 Pearson, W.H., ...
... 111 Phillips, Delia, 61 Phillips, Evelyne, 311 Phillips, G.M., 246 Phillips, George W., (12th Cav C), 111 Phillips, H.J., 238 Phillips, J.P., 246 Phillips, Joshua, (2nd Ky G), 141 Phillips, Sarah, 311 Pickens, T.D., 279 Pierce, Mr., ...
See also Decatur, Alabama Morganza, Louisiana, 186, 236 Morton, J. F., 221 Moscow, Tennessee, 110 Mosely, Richard, 52 Moulton, Alabama, 46, 93–95, 203, 227 Mount Hope, Alabama, 94 Mount Vernon, Alabama, 47 Mudd, Peter, 51 Muscle Shoals, ...
Laird C. Towle. W anc W see see see STACKHOUSE , Ellen see Ellen STAUFFER , Frederick b1783 , w Stackhouse COWGILL Catharine Billmyer , PA , OH , MD , STADLER , Hiram Frederick b1858 , fam rec NFB 23 : 4 : 74 w Ella Jane Carroll ...
... ME, geneal DE 9: 1:22 GIBBS, Martin Ы732 w Phebe Gibson, NJ, anc chart MKT 8: 1:22 Robert H m1917 w Ruth Helen GIBBS (continued) Taylor, Bible rec KS 1:1:38 GIBSON, Alexander П88З 82 GENEALOGICAL PERIODICAL ANNUAL INDEX - 1985.
R.F. Stuckey, the pastor, and Rev. C.C. Wilcutt. The remains were taken to Walnut Grove for burial, and short services were conducted by Rev. B.F. Dykes and Rev. Sam Hill. Brown-Service was in charge.
This book argues that Confederate soldiers left their posts in significant numbers due largely to the prevalence of poverty on the home front.At the start of the Civil War in...
Aims to create a picture of the early area, it's formation as a county, through time, to its place in the economy and community of today.
Transcribed, edited, and anotated Civil War journal written by Mary Jane Chaduck during the years of Federal invasion, 1862-1865.
Describes the society and the institutions that went down during the Civil War and Reconstruction and the internal conditions of Alabama during the war. Emphasizes the social and economic problems...
Genealogists and other historical researchers have valued the first two editions of this work, often referred to as the genealogist's bible."" The new edition continues that tradition.