Are you a ""revolutionary""? Are you curious about exploring issues of race and social justice from a Christian perspective? This book by UCLA Professor and Pastor, Robert Chao Romero, is for you! Topics covered include: a biblical framework for understanding poverty, race, and gender; undocumented immigration; politics; affirmative action; mixed race issues; Christian social justice pioneers; and, an introduction to the Christian world of social justice and community development.
I believe at this moment a crowd of Samaritan villagers descended the hill toward the well to see the man the woman told them about. Jesus pointed to them, all dressed in white, and quoted a familiar Jewish proverb about waiting four ...
These are their stories. · Pastor Han--Stabbed to death by North Korean agents for sharing the gospel with North Koreans in China · Jean-Pierre Werner and Rodé Groenewald--Killed in a Taliban attack on their home in Afghanistan · Fatima ...
"If any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and follow me.
Inspiring stories of revolutionaries-those who stood up against the culture of their day to make a difference for Christ.
This groundbreaking book shows that a revolution is already taking place within the church—one that will affect every believer in America.
Canada's Jesus Revolution studies the prophetic significance of the book of Esther, using it as a guidebook for action. Embedded in the story are Kingdom strategies that map out ten distinct phases of transformation within a nation.
The life-changing message of Jesus Tales of lives turned upside down for God Foreword from Dane Ortlund
"In this classic work, now thoroughly edited and with updated notes, Trocme explores the "politics of Jesus," especially the social implications of his proclamation of the Kingdom of God and the biblical Jubilee, and shows the ongoing ...
The book is a revolutionaries' manual, a hands-on primer for bringing the Golden Rule to life in the twenty-first century. Meyer starts out by giving some stunning statistics.
Dear Revolutionaries is a handbook for a new generation that sees, clear-eyed, the series of catastrophes we have inherited, the road that lies ahead, and the improbability of victory, yet are still ready to build the tomorrow we so ...