Mayhem-Museum: Dare-Luck Club Triple-Dog-Dare #2

Mayhem-Museum: Dare-Luck Club Triple-Dog-Dare #2
Louis Hoefer


The Ander-Whyles Museum -its erudite veneer done-up in the Greek-Revival motif- hides a panoply of Victorian Era war-spoils and early-century cultural flare. Here, there are dust-shrouded mummies, the ossein relics of Jurassic colossals, the cold-tempered plating of medieval champions, and a congregation of wax mannequins frozen in historic discourse. Do you feel it? There's a sort of ancient magic that hangs about the place. It's the sort of thing that calls youngsters off to great adventure! "Mayhem-Museum" is our second Triple-Dog-Dare, offering 3 adventures for the Dare-Luck Club Role-Playing Game. The anthology starts with "When the Dead Walk, the Living Should Run!" where the acquisition of a strange meteorite draws the Dare-Luckers into a battle against the walking dead. Next, we submit to you "Curse of the Ander-Whiles Museum." The kids' antics at the museum have angered a very peculiar patron -with a mystic utterance they find themselves in a shadowy version of the museum -where the exhibits are ready to make THEM history! Wrapping up the trilogy, the kids become unlikely cat burglars as they try to pull a museum caper in an attempt to make things right with an orphanage in danger of closing. Can they defeat the security, outsmart guards, and make off with the goods? Find out in, "Of Heist and Hijinks." Buy your tickets in advance, and save some change for the gift shop -this omnibus is an "exhibit" of historic proportions!