Each experiment in this manual was selected to match topics in the textbook and includes an introduction, a procedure, a page of pre-lab exercises about the concepts the lab illustrates, and a report form. Some have a scenario that places the experiment in a real-world context. In addition, each experiment has a link to a set of references and helpful online resources.
Each experiment in this manual was selected to match topics in your textbook and includes an introduction, a procedure, a page of pre-lab exercises about the concepts the lab illustrates, and a report form.
The Lab Manual for GENERAL, ORGANIC AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 5th Edition, is a valuable tool designed to enhance your classroom experience.
Experiments in General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Third Edition Lab Manual
This lab manual is organized and written to make the experiments more applicable to users' daily lives. This approach also serves to make the experiments more understandable. New updated...
Contains 25 experiments for the standard course sequence of topics.
This lab manual is designed to accompany Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 4/e by Ouellette.
Stoker General Organic and Bio Chemistry Plus Lab Manual Fourth Edition
Chem 127 and Chem 128 - General Organic and Biological Chemistry
Many of the experiments illustrate concepts from more than one chapter of the text and often utilize basics from the areas of general, organic, or biological chemistry to develop concepts in one or more of the other areas.
The Laboratory Manual for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by Applegate, Neely, and Sakuta was authored to be the most current lab manual available for the GOB market, incorporating the most modern instrumentation and techniques.