Segal's EMPOWERMENT SERIES: SOCIAL WELFARE POLICY AND SOCIAL PROGRAMS, ENHANCED, 4th Edition not only enables you to identify, describe, and analyze social welfare policies--it also draws you into an examination of the values and beliefs that drive our social welfare system. The author demonstrates how the myriad values of diverse groups in America have influenced current policies, and shows that analysis takes place through the lens of these often opposing values. Strategies for how these policy insights can be applied to influence the policy-making process are also presented. The dual themes of critical thinking and critical evaluation provide the framework of the book, and Segal's inclusion of international perspectives on values around social welfare policies and social programs heightens your awareness of the global implications of social work around the world. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Celebrates a toddler's increasing knowledge of the world, such as that rocks are heavy and flowers are light.
Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills
This fourth book in the empowerment series celebrates the feats of growing out of toddlerhood with courage and success.
With support from this book, your classroom becomes a lab where students can experience what it's like to work in and lead many kinds of groups.
Part of the EMPOWERMENT SERIES, THE SKILLS OF HELPING INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, GROUPS, AND COMMUNITIES, ENHANCED, 8th Edition, integrates the core competencies and practice behaviors outlined in the current Educational Policy and ...
Segal, Gerdes, and Steiner's AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PROFESSION OF SOCIAL WORK, 4E, International Edition introduces you to the social work profession and describes the role of social worker in the social welfare system.
The text continues to emphasize the connections between working for change in organizations and communities and the skills used in other generalist practice courses.
Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People
Even if you feel like you're not "leadership material," this is something any woman can benefit from, regardless of the incentive.
Part of the Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series, this edition is up to date and thoroughly integrates the core competencies and recommended behaviors outlined in the current Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the ...