Equip your students with the managerial accounting knowledge they need to become influential business leaders with the unique integrated learning system in CORNERSTONES OF MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING, 6E. Based on extensive research, the CORNERSTONES approach presents materials the way today's students learn. The step-by-step CORNERSTONES approach helps students establish a strong foundation before moving forward. Students master the basics more quickly so they can transition to analyzing and applying concepts. Rather than focusing on concepts in isolation, the text presents accounting as a system−emphasizing how the end result changes based on how the numbers affect each other. CORNERSTONES OF MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING's well-rounded approach helps students master basic managerial accounting concepts, explore the interrelationships of key variables, make sound decisions based on careful analysis, and apply their skills to business situations. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Discover the managerial accounting text written to complement the way you study and learn! CORNERSTONES OF MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING, 3E, uses a unique framework to show you the key concepts, or "Cornerstones," of accounting.
Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting
Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting + Lecture Tools Access + Cengagenowv2, 1-term Access
Discover the managerial accounting text written to complement the way you study and learn!
Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting
There is a "Cornerstone" for every major calculation in the book, serving as a "How To" guide for students. Our digital platform, CNOW v2, provides additional opportunities for practice and reinforces what is taught in the text.
The unique Cornerstones pedagogy is at the heart of this text, providing consistent step-by-step examples to help students solve fundamental calculations.
Fundamental Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
To show chapter concepts in action, this edition features the actual company, Kicker Car Stereo, throughout the book.