Consistently praised as streamlined and clear and student friendly, THEATRE: A WAY OF SEEING offers the beginning theatre student an exciting, full-color introduction to all aspects of theatre. It presents the experience of theatre, who sees it, what is seen, and where and how it is seen largely from the viewpoint of audiences exposed to a complex, living art that involves people, spaces, plays, designs, staging, forms, language, and productions. The book includes the appropriate coverage of the history, diversity, and most critical moments in theatre in a way that encourages students to experience theatre as a performing art and humanistic event. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Wide-ranging, discerning essays and reviews in which Mr. Brustein finds that the theatre has been quietly reinventing the nature of its art.
"Contains the informal history of forty theatres that were built, as either legitimate houses or movie palaces and that are currently operating as legitimate theatres"--p. xiii.
Exploring the historical antecedents and mimetic dimensions of "Theater of the Real"
This volume explores the impact of printing on the European theatre in the period 1480-1880 and shows that the printing press played a major part in the birth of modern theatre.
Language Theatre for Group Therapy: Context Clues
The work is an expanded treatment of "At This Theatre," the popular feature in Playbill's Broadway theatre programs.
An iconoclastic figure who inspires strong reactions both personally and professionally, Peter Sellars continues to amaze and confound. This book takes readers inside his world for the first time.
First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
unfinished as his financial straits worsened , and it came to be known as “ Morris's Folly . ” 20 Eventually , Morris retired to his country house on the outskirts of Philadelphia to hide from his creditors .
This anthology includes 15 plays that represent a wide historical range as well as the vibrant diversity of contemporary American theatre.