A brand new book, FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS makes the abstract subject of chemical engineering thermodynamics more accessible to undergraduate students. The subject is presented through a problem-solving inductive (from specific to general) learning approach, written in a conversational and approachable manner. Suitable for either a one-semester course or two-semester sequence in the subject, this book covers thermodynamics in a complete and mathematically rigorous manner, with an emphasis on solving practical engineering problems. The approach taken stresses problem-solving, and draws from best practice engineering teaching strategies. FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS uses examples to frame the importance of the material. Each topic begins with a motivational example that is investigated in context to that topic. This framing of the material is helpful to all readers, particularly to global learners who require big picture insights, and hands-on learners who struggle with abstractions. Each worked example is fully annotated with sketches and comments on the thought process behind the solved problems. Common errors are presented and explained. Extensive margin notes add to the book accessibility as well as presenting opportunities for investigation. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Suitable for either a one-semester course or two-semester sequence in the subject, this book covers thermodynamics in a complete and mathematically rigorous manner, with an emphasis on solving practical engineering problems.
This brand-new text makes thermodynamics far easier to teach and learn.
New to This Edition • More Example Problems and Exercise Questions in each chapter • Updated section on Vapour–Liquid Equilibrium in Chapter 8 to highlight the significance of equations of state approach • GATE Questions up to 2012 ...
A revised edition of the well-received thermodynamics text, this work retains the thorough coverage and excellent organization that made the first edition so popular. Now incorporates industrially relevant microcomputer programs,...
This text is designed for chemical and biochemical engineering students (senior undergraduate year, plus appropriate for capstone design courses where taken, plus graduates) and lecturers/tutors, and professionals in industry (chemical ...
Solutions Manual to Accompany Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics
By following a visual approach and offering qualitative discussions of the role of molecular interactions, Koretsky helps them understand and visualize thermodynamics. Highlighted examples show how the material is applied in the real world.
This course aims to connect the principles, concepts, and laws/postulates of classical and statistical thermodynamics to applications that require quantitative knowledge of thermodynamic properties from a macroscopic to a molecular level.
... 2700 Lide and Fredrickse (1995) C6H14 1.00E-03 7500 Ashworth (1988)f CyC6H12 5.60E-03 3200 Ashworth (1988) 1-C6H12 2.40E-03 MacKay and Shiu (1981)g Benzene 1.90E-01 4300 Kavanaugh and Trussle (1980) MTBE 1.60E+00 7700 Robbins et al.
For information regarding permissions, request forms and the appropriate contacts within the Pearson Education Global Rights & Permissions Department, please visit www.pearsoned.com/permissions/. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-471282-6 ISBN-10: ...