WESTERN CIVILIZATION: IDEAS, POLITICS, AND SOCIETY, Eleventh Edition, maintains a firm grounding in political history, while covering intellectual history (particularly the significance of ideas and contributions) to greater and deeper extent than any other text for the course. Known for its accessible writing style, this text appeals to students and instructors alike for its brevity, clarity, and careful selection of content-including material on religion and philosophy. Updated with more recent scholarship, the eleventh edition retains many popular features, including comparative timelines, full-color art essays, and profile and primary source excerpts in each chapter. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Millar, F. The Emperor in the Roman World, 31 B.C.—A.D. 337. ... Millar, F. The Roman Empire and its Neighbors. Rev. ed. ... Byrne, Don. Brother Saul. New York: 1927. Duggan, Alfred. Family Favorites. New York: 1961. Fast, Howard.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
After challenging the multicultural effort to “provincialize” the history of Western civilization, this book argues that the roots of the West's exceptional creativity should be traced back to the uniquely aristocratic warlike culture ...
For courses in Introductory Western Civilization or European or Western History. This text explains why Western civilization is worth knowing about. It takes a consistently topical approach, stressing social and...
Jacques Le Goff, Intellectuals in the Middle Ages, trans. Teresa Lavender Fagan (Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1993), 16. 36. Robert of Ketton, quoted in Kritzeck, Peter the Venerable, 62. 37. Pym, Negotiating the Frontier, 52. 38.
Based on sound scholarship and yet unafraid to speak boldly, this book provides a welcome moment of clarity amid the cacophony of climate change literature.
With new scholarship and learning tools, this #1 text is more innovative than ever
The essays compiled in this volume are a fascinating and expansive look at the far-reaching impact Jews have had on Western life.
The seventh edition has a streamlined design and has been carefully revised with features such as focus questions, key terms, and section summaries to help readers understand the material.
This new AP edition includes end-of-chapter multiple-choice review questions in AP format, as well as a set of DBQs at the end of the text. In addition, an introduction to students describes the test and suggests ways to prepare for it.