Put statistical theories into practice with PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERING AND THE SCIENCES, 9th Edition. Always a favorite with statistics students, this calculus-based text offers a comprehensive introduction to probability and statistics while demonstrating how professionals apply concepts, models, and methodologies in today's engineering and scientific careers. Jay Devore, an award-winning professor and internationally recognized author and statistician, emphasizes authentic problem scenarios in a multitude of examples and exercises, many of which involve real data, to show how statistics makes sense of the world. Mathematical development and derivations are kept to a minimum. The book also includes output, graphics, and screen shots from various statistical software packages to give you a solid perspective of statistics in action. A Student Solutions Manual, which includes worked-out solutions to almost all the odd-numbered exercises in the book, is available. NEW for Fall 2020 - Turn your students into statistical thinkers with the Statistical Analysis and Learning Tool (SALT). SALT is an easy-to-use data analysis tool created with the intro-level student in mind. It contains dynamic graphics and allows students to manipulate data sets in order to visualize statistics and gain a deeper conceptual understanding about the meaning behind data. SALT is built by Cengage, comes integrated in Cengage WebAssign Statistics courses and available to use standalone. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences + Enhanced Webassign Access
This market-leading text provides a comprehensive introduction to probability models and statistical methods for students in engineering and the physical and natural sciences.
This market-leading text provides a comprehensive introduction to probability and statistics for engineering students in all specialties.
This classic book provides a rigorous introduction to basic probability theory and statistical inference that is well motivated by interesting, relevant applications.
A text for a calculus-based engineering statistics course, this book emphasizes models, methodology and applications rather than a rigorous treatment of theory.
Students using this text should have the equivalent of the completion of one semester of differential and integral calculus.
This is caused by increasing significance of various uncertainties affecting performance of complex technological systems.
Probabilidad y estadística: para ingeniería y ciencias
This latest edition is also available in as an enhanced Pearson eText. This exciting new version features an embedded version of StatCrunch, allowing students to analyze data sets while reading the book.