Bernard Rosner's FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOSTATISTICS is a practical introduction to the methods, techniques, and computation of statistics with human subjects. It prepares students for their future courses and careers by introducing the statistical methods most often used in medical literature. Rosner minimizes the amount of mathematical formulation (algebra-based) while still giving complete explanations of all the important concepts. As in previous editions, a major strength of this book is that every new concept is developed systematically through completely worked out examples from current medical research problems. Most methods are illustrated with specific instructions as to implementation using software either from SAS, Stata, R, Excel or Minitab. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Fundamentals of Biostatistics, 4th Edition, offers a practical introduction to the methods, techniques, and computation of statistics on human subjects. This book helps you master the statistical methods most often...
This book helps learners grasp the materials in detail, equipping them to use biostatistics techniques independently and confidently. The book starts with a summary of background materials, followed by methods and techniques.
This book is intended to complement first-year statistics and biostatistics textbooks. The main focus here is on ideas, rather than on methodological details.
This book will familiarize your students with basic principles of epidemiology and biostatistics.
Fundamentals of Biostatistics
The interested reader can consult one of many mathematical statistics textbooks, for example, Larsen and Marx (1) or Rice (2). In the sections that follow, some of the more frequently encountered sampling distributions are discussed.
Biostatistics with R is designed around the dynamic interplay among statistical methods, their applications in biology, and their implementation. The book explains basic statistical concepts with a simple yet rigorous language.
Fundamentals Of Biostatistics 2Nd Ed
This extensive update of Introductory Biostatistics, Second Edition includes: • A new chapter on the use of higher order Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in factorial and block designs • A new chapter on testing and inference methods for ...
Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.