Praised by instructors and students alike, PROGRAM EVALUATION, 6th Edition helps your students evaluate services and programs that they will encounter in their professional practice. In the process of learning evaluation techniques and skills, students will become proficient at critically analyzing evaluation studies conducted by others. The authors present and simplify all the essentials needed for a critical appreciation of evaluation issues and methodology. The text's clear writing style and clear presentation of concepts, as well as its hands-on and applied focus, guide students on how to gather evidence and demonstrate that their interventions and programs are effective in improving clients' lives. This edition's up-to-date coverage includes a greater number of references to current literature, emphasizing that consulting the literature is an important step in recognizing, developing, and evaluating evidence-based practice or research-informed practice. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Well-known in the field, Royse and Thyer present and simplify all the essentials needed for a critical appreciation of evaluation issues and methodology. From this text, students will learn how...
Revised editon of Program evaluation for social workers, 2012.
This book guides evaluators in planning a comprehensive, yet practical, program evaluation—from start to design—within any context, in an accessible manner.
In 2015, Kearney and Levine sought to evaluate the longterm impacts of the program in a retrospective evaluation carried out in the United States. Taking advantage of limitations in television broadcasting technology in the early years ...
Lewis, J., 18–19, 30 Lewis, M., 18–19, 30 Lipsey, M., 74, 76,97 Logan, T. K., 7, 9 Lum, D., 39, 71 Martin, L., 119, 137 Maslow, A.H., 16, 30 Mayer, R., 16, 30 McKillip, J., 77, 97 McMurtry, S., 15, 30, 119, 137 McNamara, C., 97 Millar, ...
Mrs. Samuels, Maggie's third-grade teacher, made the initial referral to the SAT in January 2009, when Maggie's scores on the grade-level benchmark reading test fell below the cutoff point in the areas of fluency and comprehension for ...
Horner, Lewis-Palmer, & Rossetto Dickey, 2011), PBIS Self-Assessment Survey (Sugai, Horner, & Todd, 2003), Schoolwide Evaluation Tool (Horner et al., 2004; Todd et al., 2012; Vincent, Spauling, & Tobin, 2010), Benchmarks for Advanced ...
Both practical and theoretical in approach, this book is the perfect companion for student researchers and policy makers alike.
Packed with relevant examples and detailed explanations, the book offers a step-by-step approach that fully prepares readers to apply research methods in the practice of health program evaluation.
... 393 Streib, G. D., 393 Strickland, B., 234 Structural equation modeling, 166 Structuring data collection instruments, 210–211 Student performance: classsize policy and, 431 No Child Left Behind Act, 431,442 Perry Preschool Study, ...