Highly respected for its substantive coverage and analysis of all foundational areas -- social, philosophical, historical, political, economic, curricular, and legal -- FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION, Thirteenth Edition, describes and analyzes the key educational issues and policies affecting American education. The authors relate the book's wide-ranging topics to an array of applied features to help prepare students for their future careers as educators. The chapters on the history and philosophy of education encourage students to construct their own personal philosophy of education, building a strong foundation for a professional career. Completely up-to-date throughout, this edition also provides the latest information on the common core curriculum, accountability, technology in education, school reform, diversity, legal rulings, recent trends in school funding and teacher compensation, new instructional practices, teaching licensure, the outlook for careers, and many other important topics. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Leslie S. Kaplan, William A. Owings. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download;jsessionid=5B4DD024EAC5AA92D4221FF7F0A6F3A7? ... See: Archibald, S. ... Pollack, H. (2014, September 10). Doctors, military officers, firefighters, ...
Foundations of Education incorporates relevant interdisciplinary perspectives and emphasizes coverage of key issues in education, with up-to-date research, primary resources, and documentation. This text provides comprehensive and substantive coverage of...
An Introduction to the Foundations of Education
Foundations of Education: Becoming a Teacher
knowledge about teaching , learning and conditions of learning to improve the efficiency of teaching and training . ... approach has gone a long way in making educational psychology more meaningful and relevant to a practising teacher .
Covering a variety of topics about education including history, policy, finance, sociology, reform movements, curriculum and various professional and multicultural issues, this text offers readers an understanding of the field...
Packed with exercises, discussion questions, international case studies for comparative purposes and supported by a fully up-to-date companion website, this is a text that responds to current developments, changes, and trends in teacher ...
For example , if a student is learning eating skills at lunchtime at school , the same teaching techniques are used ... If a student needs a more systematic approach to learning , the teacher should consider using the strategies of ...
The heightened need to educate every student to high levels while recognizing (and trying to remedy or end) the factors that work against their academic success, the increasing political and legal sway toward education privatization, the ...
Kolb developed an early experiential learning model (based on work by Dewey, Piaget, and Lewin), but many new experiential models have developed over time. At first glance, this principle appears simple, but to learn rather than just do ...