Designed in direct consultation with PTC to work hand-in-hand with the latest release of PTC Creo software (formerly known as Pro/ENGINEER), PTC CREOTM PARAMETRIC 3.0 provides step-by-step instructions to help readers understand the uses, assets, attributes, and new capabilities of the redesigned software. This user-friendly guide is the first book on the market on PTC Creo 3.0 and provides all the information, screen shots, and detailed illustrations necessary for effective use of the software as an engineering design tool. The book is enhanced by a free companion website featuring online lessons, online lectures, and a link to the free downloadable PTC Creo Student Edition software. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Creo' Parametric 3.0
The mechanical engineering industry examples and tutorials used in this textbook ensure that the users can relate the knowledge gained through this book with the actual mechanical industry designs.
The first two chapters of this book describe the design process. The meat of this text, learning the basic Creo Parametric software, is found in Chapters 3 through 6.
This is not a revised textbook but a new book covering all the necessary subjects needed to master this high-level CAD software.
Please note that this learning guide uses commercial practice files which may not be compatible with the Student Edition of Creo Parametric
This is not a revised textbook but a new book covering all the necessary subjects needed to master this high-level CAD software.
With this in mind, each lesson introduces a new set of commands and concepts, building on previous lessons. This book will provide you with a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering.
This book is suitable for a second course in Creo Parametric and for users who understand the features already covered in Roger Toogood’s Creo Parametric Tutorial.
Please note that this learning guide uses commercial practice files which may not be compatible with the Student Edition of Creo Parametric
This project consists of several parts that are introduced with the early lessons and finally assembled at the end. Who this book is for This book has been written specifically with students in mind.