This primary source reader in the popular DISCOVERING series contains a six-part pedagogical framework that guides students through the process of historical inquiry and explanation. The text emphasizes historical study as interpretation rather than memorization of data. Each chapter is organized around the same pedagogical framework: The Problem, Background, The Method, The Evidence, Questions to Consider, and Epilogue. Volume II of the Eighth Edition integrates new documents and revised coverage throughout. For example, there are new chapters on the controversial decision to flood the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite in the early twentieth century, and the rise of the religious right in the late twentieth century. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
The text emphasizes historical study as interpretation rather than memorization of data.
With five carefully selected documents per chapter, this two-volume primary source reader presents a wide range of documents representing political, social, and cultural history in a manageable, accessible way.
This text offers a unique, multi-part pedagogical framework. Each chapter is organized by "The Problem," "Sources and Method," "The Evidence," "Questions to Consider," and the "Epilogue.
Significantly revised, this edition includes four new chapters: “Royal Power and Overseas Expansion, 1450-1540” (Ch. 2); “Motherhood, Nationalism, and Women's Political Role, 1848-1940” (Ch. 10); “Cold War Cultures: Visions of the ...
This is the full Mueller Report, as released on April 18, 2019, by the U.S. Department of Justice.
The new edition includes two new chapters, which explore health and disease in the Greek World as well as the activities of monarchs in Portugal, Castile, and Aragon who were interested in expanding their territories and influence in 1450 ...
Reproduction of the original: Addresses by Henry Drummond
Hairnanigans. Friendship.
In this compelling sequel to Power Quest Book One: America's Obsession with the Paranormal, S. Douglas Woodward reveals the hidden history of Nazi infestation of American institutions after World War II. Beginning with the 1952 flying ...