Readers discover the excitement of cutting-edge business law as BUSINESS LAW TODAY: COMPREHENSIVE, 11E immerses learners in a wide selection of intriguing new cases and thorough coverage that reflects the latest developments in the field. This successful edition makes the study of business law appealing and relevant without sacrificing the legal credibility and comprehensive coverage. Each chapter’s visually engaging, time-tested learning tools illustrate how law is applied to real-world business problems. Excerpted cases in the language of the court familiarize readers with legal language while emphasizing the relevance of case decisions. Readers see how landmark cases, statutes, and other laws significantly impact the way businesses today operate both within the United States and across the globe. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Business Law Today: The Essentials : Text & Summarized Cases
This 43-chapter text with excerpted (in the language of the court) cases is designed to make business law and legal environment exciting and interesting for the reader.
This book's engaging, high-interest presentation is complemented by the essential detail and information necessary to completely explain business law topics.
The study guide is prepared by text author Roger LeRoy Miller and William Eric Hollowell.
The Ninth Edition of this successful textbook makes the study of business law appealing and relevant for today's students without sacrificing the legal credibility and comprehensive coverage that have made the text a trusted favorite among ...
Concise statement of the black letter law that affects business is the continuing hallmark of this text. Widely praised for its case selection and focus on CPA preparation, professors and...
Students save money when purchasing bundled products.
Business Law I Essentials may need to be supplemented with additional content, cases, or related materials, and is offered as a foundational resource that focuses on the baseline concepts, issues, and approaches.
Breen/Ellis/Stephenson Canadian Business Law Today, First Edition, is an exciting new ground up product specifically designed for Canadian college courses, or for instructors that want concise business law coverage.
Business Law Today: Comprehensive Edition