Practical Law Office Management

Practical Law Office Management
Practical Law Office Management
Cengage Learning
Cynthia Traina Donnes


Focusing on technological advances that are changing the practice of law, this practical, hands-on text covers day-to-day law office management topics, including client relations and communication skills; legal fees, timekeeping, and billing; client trust funds and law office accounting; calendaring, docket control, and case management; legal marketing; and file and law library management. The Fourth Edition is accompanied by Clio’s Boutique Plan cloud-based software (with in-depth tutorials) which allows students to master skills in time and billing, accounting case management, and document management. Other highlights of the new edition include new ethics-related case reviews, up-to-date forms, charts, and checklists that illustrate important concepts relating to paralegals in the law office, and hands-on exercises. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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