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Blending theory with real-life applications, the 8th Edition of LAW AND ETHICS IN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT presents up-to-the-minute issues in business ethics, along with the latest in case law for an exciting and thought-provoking text.
Ethical, global, e-commerce, digital, and corporate themes are integrated throughout this edition with new features, such as new Digital Update that shows how digital progress is affecting the law.
Law for Business and Personal Use, 19th Edition combines strong content and interactive technology with consistent, proven instruction to maintain student interest and support active learning.
Smith and Roberson's Business Law: Chapters 1-19
Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases
Business Law and the Legal Environment
The book provides detailed explanations in the context of core themes such as customer satisfaction, ethics, entrepreneurship, global business, and managing change.
As a discipline of academy inquiry, International Management applies management concepts and techniques to their contexts in firms working in multinational, multicultural environments.
This book is freely available at: It is licensed with a Creative Commons-NonCommercial ShareAlike 3.0 license.