The Art of Theatre: Then and Now

The Art of Theatre: Then and Now
The Art of Theatre
Performing Arts
Cengage Learning
Wright, William Missouri Downs, Erik Ramsey


Bringing the fascinating world of theatre to life, THE ART OF THEATRE: THEN AND NOW, 4th Edition, delivers comprehensive yet lively coverage of the history, cultural diversity, creativity, controversy, and even a typical day in the life of theatre -- packaged in seventeen stand-alone chapters that can be studied in any order. The text is packed with useful information that readers can apply to their own lives, including material on copyrights, the National Endowment for the Arts, censorship, and freedom of speech. The authors also make timely and relevant connections between theatre and the digital world of TV and film to help today's learners understand how the living stage is unique. In addition, the text explores the issues and controversies that have surrounded the theatre for thousands of years -- giving readers more to think about. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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