Fort Boonesborough is one of Kentucky's most historic places and, although seldom mentioned in popular accounts, women were there from the very beginning. This work includes 195 women whose presence at the fort can be reasonably documented by historical evidence. The time period was limited to the years between 1775, when the fort was established, and 1784, when the threat of Indian attack at Boonesborough had subsided and the fort's stockade walls had been taken down. The names of the female children these pioneer women brought to the fort are also included, as they shared the risks and hardships of frontier life. The work includes a Historical Sketch describing the women's experiences at the fort and a Biographical Section that gives a brief personal history of each woman. 174 pp., illus., indexed, paper.
... Boonesborough in April 1775. She and Susannah Boone Hays were the first women at the fort. Susannah and “Col. Richard Callaway's African slave woman cooked and tended to the woodcutters' needs during the epic journey.”64 Dolly was ...
This groundbreaking book presents new information and fresh insights about Fort Boonesborough and life in frontier Kentucky.
... Constructing Black Education at Oberlin College : A Documentary History . Athens : Ohio University Press , 2010 . Blodgett , Geoffrey . Oberlin Architecture , College and Town : A Guide to Its Social History . Oberlin , OH : Oberlin College ...
Without the support of American women, victory in the Revolutionary War would not have been possible.
... the Enochs began looking west again, this time to the more promising lands of Ohio. Harry G. Enoch has published a number of works of local history, including In Search of Morgan's Station and “The Last Indian Raid in Kentucky”; ...
This volume fills a gap in traditional women's history books by offering fascinating details of the lives of early American women and showing how these women adapted to the challenges of daily life in the colonies.
A thought-provoking study of the vital part played by women during the Revolutionary War details their diverse roles raising funds, disseminating propaganda, managing businesses and homes, and serving as nurses, spies, warriors, and ...
Reproduction of the original: The Women, of the American Revolution by Elizabeth F. Ellet
Explores the contributions of European-descended women toward the development of the United States in its earliest stages.
"Describes notable women and women's roles in the American Revolution"--Provided by publisher.