The use of mixed methods designs for conducting research has become a major trend in social science research. Renowned methodological experts Janice Morse and Linda Niehaus present a guide to intermediate and experienced researchers on the possibilities inherent in mixed method research. They offer the basic principles of conducting this kind of study, then examine a wide variety of design options available to the researcher, including their strengths and weaknesses and when to use them. Providing examples from a variety of disciplines, examining potential threats to validity, and showing the relationship between method and theory, the book will be a valuable addition to the methodologist’s library and a useful text in courses in research design.
... Manager: Vicki Knight Lauren Habib Ashley Dodd Claudia A. Hoffman Brittany Bauhaus Megan Markanich C&M Digitals (P) Ltd. Jenifer Kooiman Molly Hall Glenn Vogel Stephanie Adams BRIEF CONTENTS List of Figures xv List of Tables xvii.
John W. Creswell, Vicki L. Plano Clark. The implications of using limited approaches in any line of inquiry result in ... we can explore information that is not accessible through a single approach alone. (Shannon-Baker, 2015, p. 36) ...
The Second Edition of An Applied Guide to Research Designs offers researchers in the social and behavioral sciences guidance for selecting the most appropriate research design to apply in their study.
... A good example of an exploratory sequential study with an experimental test outcome is found in Betancourt et al. (2011). This study used mixed methods research to adapt and evaluate a family strengthening intervention in Rwanda.
Pieterse, A. L., Todd, N. R., Neville, H. A., & Carter, R. T. (2012). Perceived racism and mental health among ... Sellers, R. M., Rowley S. A. J., Chavous, T. M., Shelton J. N., & Smith M. A. (1997). Multidimensional Inventory of Black ...
A Guide to the Field Vicki L. Plano Clark, Nataliya V. Ivankova. Research. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1558689814543563 Plano Clark, V. L., & Badiee, M. (2010). Research questions in mixed methods research.
This book represents an important contribution to the ongoing debate surrounding the use of mixed methods in the social sciences and health research, and presents a convincing argument that the conventional, paradigmatic view of qualitative ...
(2012) Use policy Australia disability services 4.5 Todrys, Amon, Malembeka, & Clayton (2011) Transformative policy Zambia prison HIV and TB prevention and treatment DP policy 4.6 Hoddinott, Britten, ...
Researchers wanting to learn how to think about and utilize mixed methods in their studies will find this an indispensable guide for their work.
Highlighting a range of topics such as natural language processing, big data, and pattern recognition, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for information technology professionals, software developers, data analysts, graduate-level ...