Harris and Roach present a compact and accessible presentation of the core environmental and resource topics and more, with analytical rigor as well as engaging examples and policy discussions. They take a broad approach to theoretical analysis, using both standard economic and ecological analyses, and developing these both from theoretical and practical points of view. It assumes a background in basic economics, but offers brief review sections on important micro and macroeconomic concepts, as well as appendices with more advanced and technical material. Extensive instructor and student support materials, including PowerPoint slides, data updates, and student exercises are provided.
This work stands alone as the only title currently offering such a breadth of coverage and level of detail written specifically for readers without specialized knowledge of environmental economics.
With a tight integration of public policy and economic theory, this best-selling text provides a well-rounded introduction to the field. Tietenberg's extensive work in research and policy lends a crucial...
Integrating aspects of philosophy, political science, and some environmental science, this text provides a multidisciplinary approach to environmental economics and natural resources policy.
The fourth edition of Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management pairs the user-friendly approaches of the previous editions with the latest developments in the field.
Environmental problems and their local, national, and global solutions have taken on ever-increasing importance in today's world.
This textbook discusses environmental and natural resource economics.
Extensively revised and updated, this popular text presents an accessible yet rigorous treatment of environmental and natural resources economics, including new advances in climate change and the economics of sustainability.
This text is adapted from the best-selling Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, 11th edition, by the same authors.
'Environmental and Natural Resource Economics' takes a policy-oriented approach, introducing economic theory in the context of debates and empirical work from the field.
Regional Differences in the Impact of Irrigation on Farm Output, in S. Smith and E. Castle, eds, Economics and Public Policy in Water Resources Development, Iowa State University Press: Ames, pp.