The Routledge Dictionary of Pronunciation for Current English is the most up-to-date record of the pronunciation of British and American English. Based on research by a joint UK and US team of linguistics experts, this is a unique survey of how English is really spoken in the twenty-first century. This second edition has been fully revised to include: a full reappraisal of the pronunciation models for modern British and American English; 2,000 new entries, including new words from the last decade, encyclopedic terms and proper names; separate IPA transcriptions for British and American English for over 100,000 words; information on grammatical variants including plurals, comparative and superlative adjectives, and verb tenses. The most comprehensive dictionary of its type available, The Routledge Dictionary of Pronunciation for Current English is the essential reference for those interested in English pronunciation.
Gives phonetic transcriptions using the International Phonetic Alphabet for both words and proper names.
Divided into four sections, each featuring detailed articulatory explanations, sample sentences, and recordings to help learners improve their pronunciation, this book: introduces the phenomenon of pronunciation as part of a broader ...
This book: • provides an up-to-date description of the pronunciation of modern American English; • demonstrates the use of each English phoneme with a selection of high-frequency words, both alone and in context in sentences, idiomatic ...
Region and Dialect Clive Upton, J.D.A Widdowson. FIVE. It is interesting to compare this map with that for FIND, Map 9. The vowel-sounds of the standard pronunciation of both FIND and FIVE are the diphthongs [ai] (traditional) and [i] ...
In English the closure for the second stop is made before the release of the first," forming a further obstacle to the airstream if the second closure is at a more advanced point, e.g. /t/ + /p/ in white post, or checking the air ...
Revised and updated throughout, this fourth edition of Practical English Phonetics and Phonology: presents the essentials of the subject and their day-to-day applications in an engaging and accessible manner; covers all the core concepts of ...
An Introduction William A. Kretzschmar, Jr. Commager, Henry Steele. 1958. ... Foley, John M. 1985. Oral-Formulaic Theory and ... Fowler, Henry. 2015. Fowler's Dictionary of Modern English Usage. 4th edn. Jeremy Butterfield, ed.
Filled with real examples of the way people use English in different contexts, The Routledge Dictionary of English Language Studies is an indispensable guide to the richness and variety of the English language for both students and the ...
Originally published in 1926, this book is an exploration of the essentials of logic: the study of the general conditions of valid inference.
This work provides 50,000 words of prosodically-transcribed text from a variety of sources.