In a world increasingly faced with, and divided by, regional and global crises, resilience has emerged as a key concept with significant relevance for tourism. A paradigmatic shift is taking place in the long-term planning of tourism development, in which the prevailing focus on sustainability is being enhanced with the practical application of resilience planning. This book provides a critical appraisal of sustainability and resilience, and the relationship between the two. Contributions highlight the complexity of addressing social change with resilience planning in a range of tourism contexts, from islands to mountains, from urban to remote environments, and in a range of international settings. Case studies articulate how tourism is both an agent of social change and a victim of larger change processes, and provide important lessons on how to deal with increasingly unstable economic, social and environmental systems. This is the first book to specifically examine social change and sustainability in tourism through a resilience lens. This much-needed contribution to the literature will be a key resource for those working in tourism studies, tourism planning and management, social geography, and development studies, among others.
This book will appeal to a wide range of research disciplines and students whose modules focus on the relationship between tourism and sustainability planning, governance, the environment, and hazards and disasters.
Drawing on original empirical and theoretical insights in resilience thinking, this book explores how tourism communities and economies respond to environmental changes, both fast (natural hazard disasters) and slow (incremental shifts).
In this collection the contributors address the issues and challenges to Caribbean Tourism and recommend critical remedial actions to foster enhanced resilience.
This book provides comprehensive insight into the challenges faced by island tourism destinations and theoretical and practical paths for built in sustainability and resiliency.
This book offers international perspectives on the economic, social, geopolitical, and environmental implications of COVID-19 on tourism, an unprecedented situation for this sector.
This book discusses the concept of resilience and its application to tourism.
This book calls for rethinking the meaning of sustainable development in tourism and explores how sustainability and resilience could be integrated.
Chaos, Crises and Disasters: A Strategic Approach to Crisis Management in the Tourism Industry. Tourism Management 25 (6): 669–683. ... In Tourism Crisis and Disaster Management in the Asia Pacific, ed. B. Ritchie and K. Campiranon, ...
Kanlayanasukho, V. (2005) An analysis of the tourism industry's management responses to political crises in Thailand. In: Ritchie, B. and Campiranon, K. (eds) Tourism Crisis and Disaster Management in the Asia-Pacific.
This book is a compilation of essays on various aspects of tourism.