This key text provides essential tools for understanding legislation, policy, provision and practice for children in the early years, particularly young children with special educational needs and disability (SEND). Based on extensive research and the four areas of need as defined in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 Years (DfE, 2015), the book charts the development of young children and their growing constructions of learning, communication, language, motor movement and emotion. Providing material that translates into practice in a straightforward and practical way, this text is packed full of personal accounts and case studies, enabling readers to appreciate what the experience of SEND in the early years means for families and professionals, and also to learn more about how they might understand and respond appropriately to a child’s needs. Understanding Special Educational Needs and Disability in the Early Years will be of interest to students studying Early Years courses, families, SENDCOs, teachers and other staff supporting young children with a range of special educational needs and disabilities.
This title is a practical and accessible guide to teaching young children with special educational needs. At the heart of the book is the belief that the focus should be on the child as an active learner, rather than on their disability.
Fully up to date with the SEND Code of Practice this book explores all the key contemporary issues relevant to supporting children with special needs in an early years context.
This accessible text provides guidance on the inclusion of young children with special educational needs or disabilities in a variety of early education settings.
We are also now implementing the EYFS reforms and there has been a mixed response from the sector , in particular concerns around how fit for purpose the reforms are for children with SEND . For many practitioners , there is a concern ...
Janice Wearmouth. Strategies for developing reading ... Students can be taught to scan the text before reading in depth, including focusing on pictures, diagrams, captions, subheadings and highlighted words (Wearmouth, 2009, pp. 42–43).
This text covers the underpinning knowledge required for special needs modules on Early Years courses. It guides students and practitioners through this subject area, and provides information on the issues and legislation.
This book provides critical insights and practical approaches to help you support babies and young children with special educational needs and disability (SEND) in the early years.
School governors: must have regard to the SEND Code of Practice and should oversee the implementation of the reform and provide strategic support to the head teacher; must publish information about the school's SEND policy on the ...
This book gives you the knowledge and practical advice you really need to help you teach children from 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities.
This book unpacks the vital elements of SEN in the Early Years through the lens of inclusion.