Traditionally, the most preferred social research methods in dementia studies have been interviews, focus groups and non-participant observations. Most of these methods have been used for a long time by researchers in other social research fields, but their application to the field of dementia studies is a relatively new phenomenon. A ground-breaking book, Social Research Methods in Dementia Studies shows researchers how to adapt their methods of data collection to address the individual needs of someone who is living with dementia. With an editorial team that includes Ann Johnson, a trained nurse and person living with dementia, this enlightening volume mainly draws its contents from two interdisciplinary social research teams in dementia, namely the Center for Dementia Research [CEDER] at Linköping University in Norrköping, Sweden and the Dementia and Ageing Research Team [DART] at The University of Manchester in Manchester, UK. Case examples are shared in each of the main chapters to help ground the social research method(s) in a real-life context and provide direction as to how learning can be applied to other settings. Chapters also contain key references and recommended reading. This volume will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as postdoctoral researchers, interested in fields such as: Research Methods, Qualitative Methods and Dementia Studies.
The text focuses on projects which have taken different approaches to working with people with dementia in research, including examining the process of interviewing people with dementia whose first language is not English and encouraging ...
A Social Science Perspective Anthea Innes. as having dementia. Cultures of care in institutions is an issue we return to in Chapter 4. Social. psychology. –. the. loss. and. preservation. of. self. or. personhood. of. people. with.
Reducing the Impact of Dementia in America calls for research that addresses the causes and solutions for disparities in both developing dementia and receiving adequate treatment and support.
This book explores how dementia studies relates to dementia’s growing public profile and corresponding research economy.
A comprehensive and practical examination of research methods in use in a defined field of social scientific enquiry, this volume is essential reading for scholars, graduate students and healthcare professionals with interests in conducting ...
The growth of the over sixty-five population and the recognition of the enormous implications of this growth for the well-being of our society is the basis for this vital text.In...
Marcum, C.D. (2007) Interpreting the intentions of Internet predators: an examination of online predatory behavior. ... Martínez, A., Dimitriadis, Y., Rubia, B., Gómez, E. and de la Fuente, P. (2003) Combining qualitative evaluation and ...
... Kulturen der Sorge . Wie unsere Gesellschaft ein Leben mit Demenz ermöglichen kann . Frankfurt : Campus , 163–173 . Behuniak , Susan M. ( 2011 ) , ' The Living Dead ? The Construction of People with Alzheimer's Disease as Zombies ...
The books argues that documents stand in a dual-relation to human activity, and therefore by transmitting ideas and influencing the course and nature of human activity they are integral to the research process.
For instance, Gerring (2017) utilises both a quantitative and qualitative form of analysis amidst what can be seen as an 'ambiguous design' (p.xx) and Yin (2014; 2018) develops a highly flexible approach to using case study in a variety ...