本书责任者还有:(美)Lawrence L. Kupper、(美)Keith E. Muller、(美)Azhar Nizam。
Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers should be able to: Learn to conduct numerous types of multivariate statistical analyses Find the best technique to use Understand Limitations to applications Learn how to use SPSS and SAS ...
For graduate and upper-level undergraduate marketing research courses.For over 30 years, this text has provided students with the information they need to understand and apply multivariate data analysis.
This market leader offers a readable introduction to the statistical analysis of multivariate observations.
3.1.8 The Value and the Valuation of Jobs In his research on job satisfaction , Arne L. Kalleberg ( 1977 ) of Indiana University discusses several approaches in occupational sociology . One group of researchers has sought to explain the ...
This bestseller will help you learn regression-analysis methods that you can apply to real-life problems. It highlights the role of the computer in contemporary statistics with numerous printouts and exercises...
Multivariate Data Analysis
7.3.3 Fitting Discrete-Time Hazards Regression Models Using PROC SURVEYLOGISTIC
Appropriate for experimental scientists in a variety of disciplines, this market-leading text offers a readable introduction to the statistical analysis of multivariate observations.
For graduate and upper-level undergraduate marketing research courses. For over 30 years, this text has provided students with the information they need to understand and apply multivariate data analysis.