This second edition provides a rigorous yet accessible graduate-level introduction to financial economics. Since students often find the link between financial economics and equilibrium theory hard to grasp, less attention is given to purely financial topics, such as valuation of derivatives, and more emphasis is placed on making the connection with equilibrium theory explicit and clear. This book also provides a detailed study of two-date models because almost all of the key ideas in financial economics can be developed in the two-date setting. Substantial discussions and examples are included to make the ideas readily understandable. Several chapters in this new edition have been reordered and revised to deal with portfolio restrictions sequentially and more clearly, and an extended discussion on portfolio choice and optimal allocation of risk is available. The most important additions are new chapters on infinite-time security markets, exploring, among other topics, the possibility of price bubbles.
Yet existing treatments of the topic are either too theoretical, ignoring practical realities, or largely narrative and nonrigorous. This book bridges the gap, striking a balance between theory and practice.
Principles of Financial Economics China Edition
This book bridges the gap between these two extremes, offering a textbook that studies economic activity in financial markets, focusing on how consumers determine future consumpt
This calculus based text explores the theoretical framework for analyzing the decisions by individuals and managers of firms, an area which is coming to both financial economics and microeconomics.
This supplement outlines the key sections of each chapter, provides students with self-test questions, and also provides a set of problems and solutions similar to those in the text, and in the Test Bank.
The book follows an analytical and geometric methodology, explaining technical terms and mathematical operations in clear, non-technical language, and providing intuitive explanations of the mathematical results.
This latest edition of Principles of Financial Engineering is ideal for financial engineers, quantitative analysts in banks and investment houses, and other financial industry professionals.
Then, we divide this finite time interval in k units [for k = 0, 1, 2, 3,..., T) of equal length denoted At, so that At = T/k => T = k x At. For example, if k = 5 and At = 2, the finite time interval is T = 10. Now, we can position the ...
The book provides a rigorous overview of the subject, while its flexible presentation makes it suitable for use with different levels of undergraduate and graduate students.
The book provides a novel, unified treatment of the subject by deriving each topic from common fundamental principles and showing the interrelations between the key themes.