Advanced Transport Phenomena

Advanced Transport Phenomena
Advanced Transport Phenomena
Technology & Engineering
Cambridge University Press
John C. Slattery


The term 'transport phenomena' describes the fundamental processes of momentum, energy, and mass transfer. This text provides a thorough discussion of transport phenomena, laying the foundation for understanding a wide variety of operations used by chemical engineers. The book is arranged in three parallel parts covering the major topics of momentum, energy, and mass transfer. Each part begins with the theory, followed by illustrations of the way the theory can be used to obtain fairly complete solutions, and concludes with the four most common types of averaging used to obtain approximate solutions. A broad range of technologically important examples, as well as numerous exercises, are provided throughout the text. Based on the author's extensive teaching experience, a suggested lecture outline is also included. This book is intended for first-year graduate engineering students; it will be an equally useful reference for researchers in this field.

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