Substance and Behavioral Addictions: Concepts, Causes, and Cures presents the concepts, etiology, assessment, prevention, and cessation of substance (tobacco, alcohol, other drugs, and food) and behavioral (gambling, Internet, shopping, love, sex, exercise, and work) addictions. The text provides a novel and integrative appetitive motivation framework of addiction, while acknowledging and referencing multi-level influences on addiction, such as neurobiological, cognitive, and micro-social and macro-social/physical environmental. The book discusses concurrent and substitute addiction, and offers prevention and treatment solutions, which are presented from a more integrative perspective than traditional presentations. This is an ideal text for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students, practitioners, and researchers.
Written by leaders in the addictions field, 100 authors from six countries, this handbook is a thoroughly comprehensive resource.
This book deals with recent perspectives on the panel of addiction behavior in a vast amount of population (young and adult).
This book deals with recent perspectives on the panel of addiction behavior in a vast amount of population (young and adult).
With contributions from preeminent experts covering an exhaustive list of behavioral addictions, this book is unique in its coverage of behavioral addictions, their criteria, and treatment.
Each chapter focuses on a real-life case study of a patient with a behavioral addiction. Videos that accompany the volume demonstrate encounters between a clinician and a patient exhibiting an addiction.
This book focuses on the similarities and differences between substance and non-substance addictions.
As a clinician or researcher in the field of mental health or addictions, this book will offer you powerful insight into how acceptance and mindfulness-based interventions are being successfully used to treat a variety of addictive ...
This book explains the rationale for changes in the DSM-5® related to incorporating behavioral addictions alongside substance use disorders; it also illuminates the significance of including the construct of behavioral addictions in this ...
Norcross, Krebs, and Prochaska (2011) offered nine recommendations for applying the TTM in treatment: 1. Assess the client's stage of change for a specific target or goal behavior. Remember that persons can be at different stages of ...
A reference manual that examines, defines, and presents behavioral addiction in a compelling discussion to practitioners, students, and general public.