Vinyl: A History of the Analogue Record is the first in-depth study of the vinyl record. Richard Osborne traces the evolution of the recording format from its roots in the first sound recording experiments to its survival in the world of digital technologies. This book addresses the record's relationship with music: the analogue record was shaped by, and helped to shape, the music of the twentieth century. It also looks at the cult of vinyl records. Why are users so passionate about this format? Why has it become the subject of artworks and advertisements? Why are vinyl records still being produced? This book explores its subject using a distinctive approach: the author takes the vinyl record apart and historicizes its construction. Each chapter explores a different element: the groove, the disc shape, the label, vinyl itself, the album, the single, the b-side and the 12" single, and the sleeve. By anatomizing vinyl in this manner, the author shines new light on its impact and appeal.
... Jo Mason, Shawn Mawer, Allen Meek, Grant Mitchell, Tony Mitchell, Craig Morrison, Terry Newman, Andre Nuchelmans, ... Oliver Wang, Michelle Wauchope, Michael Weber, Martin Webster, Lisa Wheeler, Craig Wilson, Acknowledgements.
This book looks at the ways in which music technologies are both inflected by and inflect human interactions, creating discourses, practices, disciplines, and communities.
... 184 Reid, L.A., 207 Reisman, Leo, 44, 55–57, 61,65, 67, 69,72 R.E.M.,191,201–202 "Remember," 50 Renard,Jacques, ... 150, 154, 162, 167 Roulette Records, 131 Rourke, Michael E., 27 "Roving Kind, The," 112 "Roxanne," 170 Royalties, ...
The reader gets an up close and personal look at a variety of well-known vinyl champions, including Gilles Peterson and King Britt, as well as a glimpse into the collections of known and unknown DJs, producers, record dealers, and everyday ...
The public has played its own part in shaping copyright legislation. This is an essential subject for an understanding of the economic, artistic and political value of recorded sound.
A history of sound recording from the nineteenth to the twenty first century, first published in 2006.
Behold the Revenge of Analog. David Sax has uncovered story after story of entrepreneurs, small business owners, and even big corporations who've found a market selling not apps or virtual solutions but real, tangible things.
One of the most amazing turnarounds in the audio industry has been the rapid increase in the popularity of vinyl records and the rise of the Vinylphiles.
The Use and Abuse of Statistics in the Music Industries Richard Osborne, Dave Laing ... Jorgensen, Ernst (1998), Elvis Presley: A Life in Music, New York: St. Martin's Press. Kappala-Ramsamy, Gemma (2010), 'Imogen Heap: “Unless somebody ...
Not too far away from the flea markets, dusty attics, cluttered used record stores and Ebay is the world of the vinyl junkies. Brett Milano dives deep into the piles of old vinyl to uncover the subculture of record collecting.