What factors contribute to tourism and recreation development? How can we characterise stakeholder rationales and organisation modes to enhance tourism resources and foster tourism and recreation services? To what extent do tourism and recreation contribute to regional development? What changes are taking place in terms of new destinations, stakeholders, policy objectives? Bringing together scholars from the fields of planning, economics, sociology, management studies and geography, this book examines cross-cutting issues in tourism and recreation with the aim of developing an extended view of leisure time. Focusing mainly on France with comparison to the experience of Northern and Southern European countries and North America, it combines a diverse range of case studies to address issues such as contrasting rural dynamics, changing public policies, sustainable development imperatives, evolving user behaviour and increasingly diverse recreation activities and stakeholder organisation. Specific topics are highlighted, such as the role of social capital or culture as factors of recreation development; resort organisation from international and experience-based perspectives; and the usefulness of the capability approach to evaluate tourism impacts on local development. Emphasising policy recommendations to help public or collective action on the issues and presenting emerging trends in the field, this book should be of interest to students, scholars and stakeholders in tourism/recreation planning and management.
1 intentional users from outside the city - region ( e.g. holidaymakers and heritage tourists ) ; 2 intentional users from inside the city - region ( e.g , those using recreational and entertainment facilities - recreating residents ) ...
Bringing together a range of European case studies illustrating various ICT and policy innovations, this book examines the interconnections between tourism, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and regional development.
Tourism and Recreation Development
... President, American Public Transportation Association (ex officio) MARY E. PETERS, Federal Highway Administrator, ... Senior Program Officer HARVEY BERLIN, Senior Program Officer B. RAY DERR, Senior Program Officer AMIR N. HANNA, ...
Such exploitation of the mass market appeal of ecotravel and ecotourism, especially to exotic environments, has been termed 'green washing'. McLaren uses the term 'ecotravel' to include both ecotourism and nature-based tourism and notes ...
Hungary's Unrivalled Leisure Resource: Planning the Use of Thermal Water in Recreation and Tourism : an Account of a United...
Providing a wide range of case studies in sustainable tourism planning, this authoritative work presents cases at both international and national levels as well as on a regional, sub-regional, urban, local and site scale.
in C. Lashley and A. Morrison (eds) In Search of Hospitality: Theoretical Perspectives and Debates, Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. Williams, A. and Zelinsky, W. (1970) 'On some patterns of international tourism flows', ...
Tourism: A Tool for Regional Development : Leisure Studies Association Conference, Edinburgh, 1977
However, the policies of individual European countries are very varied. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between protected areas and regional development policies, both in theory and practice.