EU membership provides member states with a new perception of their place in the world; their foreign policies very much influenced by their involvement in the politics of Brussels. The candidate countries also go through the same experience. The membership prospect however, presented a serious challenge to Turkish foreign policy and it was obvious from the moment Turkey was declared as a candidate country in 1999 that its membership perspective was linked to the solution of problems in its domestic and foreign relations. In this book, Özlem Terzi examines the influence of the European Union on the making of Turkish foreign policy since it was declared a candidate country. By comparing an issue specific analysis alongside an actor-based focus, Terzi questions whether such a transformation in the self-perceptions of Turkish policy makers is actually taking place, and whether the policy making process with respect to foreign policy issues expands to include new actors, like the civil society, thus democratizing the way foreign policy is made. Case study rich and packed with interviews with actors involved in policy making in Brussels and Ankara, this book enables the reader to correctly discern the factors that make the Turkish case unique and to reveal whether certain aspects of Turkey's pre-accession process are not as unique as we think. 'The Influence of the European Union on Turkish Foreign Policy' is a valuable and informative contribution for students, researchers and scholars interested on the transformative power of the EU and the role of Turkey's relationship with its neighbours.
In this insightful book, the authors explore Turkey's role within a globalizing world and, as a new century unfolds, examine a nation at the crossroads of both time and space within the international political order.
This need encouraged Turkey to take active steps in Post Cold War era. This book analyzes Turkey s relations with US, EU, Balkans, Middle East, Caucasus, Central Asia, Russia, China and Japan.
This book takes the cases of Iraq and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as two important illustrations. Both cases present dynamic issues of conflict in the region and are high on Turkey's agenda in terms of its policies towards the region.
... Turkey's Strategic Position at the Crossroads of World Affairs (Carliske, U.S.A.: Strategic Studies Inst., U.S. Army War College, 1757. Bozdemir, Michel M., “La Turquie Face aux De'f1s de. 1993). 552 New Trends in Turkish Foreign Affairs.
Master's Thesis from the year 2007 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: 8,0= 1,6, Maastricht University (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences), 79 entries in the bibliography, language: English, ...
23 Youngs, Richard (2004), International Democracy and the West. The Roles of Governments, Civil Society, and Multinational Business, Oxford, Oxford University Press. 24 For a (timid) attemptto place democracy support within a deeper ...
It includes consideration of Turkey’s relations with NATO, the European Union, the Middle East, and BRIC countries. This book was published as a special issue of Turkish Studies.
Describes the impact on Turkey of events in Europe since 1989, the transformation of the country's place in the international order, domestic and foreign policy changes in response, and changes in the country's identity.
This book by two leading experts provides a comprehensive analysis of Turkey's relationship with the European Union, set in its regional and international context.
Should Turkey become a part of the European Union?