Notions of which behaviours comprised sin, and what actions might lead to salvation, sat at the heart of Christian belief and practice in early modern England, but both of these vitally important concepts were fundamentally reconfigured by the reformation. Remarkably little work has been undertaken exploring the ways in which these essential ideas were transformed by the religious changes of the sixteenth-century. In the field of reformation studies, revisionist scholarship has underlined the vitality of late-medieval English Christianity and the degree to which people remained committed to the practices of the Catholic Church up to the eve of the reformation, including those dealing with the mortification of sin and the promise of salvation. Such popular commitment to late-medieval lay piety has in turn raised questions about how the reformation itself was able to take root. Whilst post-revisionist scholars have explored a wide range of religious beliefs and practices - such as death, providence, angels, and music - there has been a surprising lack of engagement with the two central religious preoccupations of the vast majority of people. To address this omission, this collection focusses upon the history and theology of sin and salvation in reformation and post-reformation England. Exploring their complex social and cultural constructions, it underlines how sin and salvation were not only great religious constants, but also constantly evolving in order to survive in the rapidly transforming religious landscape of the reformation. Drawing upon a range of disciplinary perspectives - historical, theological, literary, and material/art-historical - to both reveal and explain the complexity of the concepts of sin and salvation, the volume further illuminates a subject central to the nature and success of the Reformation itself. Divided into four sections, Part I explores reformers’ attempts to define and re-define the theological concepts of sin and salvation, while Part II looks at some of the ways in which sin and salvation were contested: through confessional conflict, polemic, poetry and martyrology. Part III focuses on the practical attempts of English divines to reform sin with respect to key religious practices, while Part IV explores the significance of sin and salvation in the lived experience of both clergy and laity. Evenly balancing contributions by established academics in the field with cutting-edge contributions from junior researchers, this collection breaks new ground, in what one historian of the period has referred to as the ‘social history of theology’.
Explores how the English Reformation transformed the meaning of the Ten Commandments, which in turn helped shape the Reformation itself.
Brings together scholars from several disciplines in Reformation studies to examine the life, work, and enduring significance of John Jewel, bishop of Salisbury from 1560 to 1571.
Gerald Bray’s comprehensive collection covers the period from 1526 to 1700. The book contains many texts previously relatively inaccessible, along with others more widely known.
The influence of the Book of Common Prayer and the King James version of the Bible created the modern English language, but there has been no collection of contemporary documents available to show how the momentous social and political ...
Willis, Jonathan, Church Music and Protestantism in Post-Reformation England, Ashgate, 2010. 172. Willis, Jonathan, “Introduction: Sin and Salvation in Reformation England”, in Willis, Jonathan (ed.), Sin and Salvation in Reformation ...
Sin and Salvation in Reformation England (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015), pp. 157–72. Audrey Eccles, Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Tudor and Stuart England (Kent OH: Kent State University Press, 1982), esp. p. 125; Roger Schofield, 'Did the ...
This innovative volume spans the early modern period and ranges across literary genres, confessional divides and European borders.
Of course nobody can write about very many aspects of a culture even in as massive a book as Duffy's, especially when offering the kind of detail and attention so impressively displayed in The Stripping of the Altars.
In post-Reformation England, Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress(1678) echoed biblical themes in its striking images of sin and salvation in the City of Destruction and the Heavenly City, where 'behold the City shone like the sun, ...
This is the first comprehensive study of one of the most important aspects of the Reformation in England: its impact on the status of the dead.