Interpersonal Conflict provides a psychotherapeutic and philosophical understanding of the nature of interpersonal conflict. Arguing that facilitating conflict resolution has little to do with objective logic or rationale, and everything to do with personal (and cultural) values and aspirations, Karen Weixel-Dixon uses the lens of existential psychotherapy to provide innovative skills for conflict management. The book offers a deeper understanding of those theories and practices surrounding currently held perspectives on conflict, and extends the repertoire of communication skills relevant to difficult interpersonal situations, offering theoretical and practical input into the possibilities of reaching a therapeutic result. Interpersonal Conflict will be an engaging and informative guide for professionals in psychotherapy, health, HR, legal and teaching professions working with conflict, as well as students taking courses involving conflict resolution.
This book explores the process of interpersonal conflict - from the initial decision as to whether or not to confront differences through to how to plan the actual confrontation.
In L. P. Stewart & S. Ting-Toomey (Eds.), Communication, gender and sex roles in diverse interaction context (pp. 96–104). Norwood, NJ: Ablex. Ruble, T. L., & Schneer, J. A. (1994). Gender differences in conflict-handling styles: Less ...
This volume brings together both seasoned and new voices in communication research to address the challenges in evaluating conflict.
'Mediating Interpersonal Conflicts' is an up-to-date presentation showing how the techniques of negotiation and mediation can be applied in resolving a wide range of conflicts in families, communities, schools, and workplaces.
With new cases and applications that reflect cultural changes that shape the ways people move through conflict, this new edition invites readers to reflect on, and better understand, conflict as it pertains to the unique vantage points of ...
Types and sources of conflict; Methods of conflict resolution and problem solving; The language of conflict and problem solving; Personal styles of conflict resolution; Attitudes and problem solving; Organizing for...
In Everyday Troubles, Robert M. Emerson explores the beginnings and development of the conflicts that occur in our relationships with the people we regularly encounter—family members, intimate partners, coworkers, and others—and the ...
An introduction to the theory and practice of conflict management. This text first describes the components and dynamics of interpersonal conflict then the various strategies for negotiation, bargaining and resolution.
In A. Booth, A. C. Crouter, & M. Clements (Eds), Couples in conflict (pp. 95—104). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Jones, E., & Gallois, C. (1989). Spouses' impressions of rules for communication in public and private marital conflicts.
This book is about reactions to interpersonal conflict such as avoiding, negotiating, and fighting.