This book explores the power of educators to serve as HIV and AIDS prevention agents. The definitive text represents the work of a distinguished panel of teacher educators and health scientists who identify core information and skills effective educators of HIV and AIDS prevention should learn as they are prepared to attend to the academic and human needs of students. It assigns to teachers, in the US and abroad, the novel role of prevention agents, given their extraordinary ability to access and affect young people -- to influence their behavior. Humanizing Pedagogy considers the social, economic, racial, gender and other variables that impact the prevention of HIV and AIDS. The authors collectively assert that the process of preventing HIV and AIDS, when it considers historic and social context, can compel educators to serve not only as practitioners of knowledge, but as community agents of health and well being. Attending to HIV and AIDS issues advances the capacity and ability of educators to see and attend to the complete learner. Humanizing Pedagogy is a single volume resource for educators, in the US and abroad, interested in attending to the whole needs of the learner-and saving lives.
The Handbook of Social Justice in Education, a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the field, addresses, from multiple perspectives, education theory, research, and practice in historical and ideological context, with an emphasis on ...
The aim of the book is not only to highlight the role of education in HIV/AIDS prevention but also to look specifically at the education sector, its role and response, as well as the management of the response.
... by Terese Fayden (2005) The Globalization of Racism edited by Donaldo Macedo and Panayota Gounari (2005) Critical Literacy: What Every American Ought to Know Eugene F. Provenzo Jr. (2005) Humanizing Pedagogy Through HIV/AIDS Prevention ...
Much has been written about how many parents, children and educators are infected or affected by HIV and AIDS. However, little has been offered in the way of practical, pedagogical...
The Encyclopedia of Global Health is a comprehensive A to Z, inter-disciplinary, one-stop reference to a broad array of health topics worldwide.
It is sponsored by UNAIDS, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNFPA, DFID, USAID, Ireland Aid and the World Bank. The Sourcebook represents the work of many contributors, and was developed by the Partnership for Child Development with the World Bank.
This provocative book is essential reading for anyone working in HIV/AIDS prevention, and a stimulating introduction to the key controversies and approaches in global health and medical anthropology for students and general readers.
Fielding, S. 2000 Walk on the left! Children's geographies and the primary school, in Holloway, S. and Valentine, G. (eds.) ... Simonsen, K. 2005 Bodies, sensations, space and time: the contribution from Henri Lefebvre.
This much-needed book presents an introduction and overview of multicultural AIDS issues in social work practice.
HIV and AIDS in the Public Schools: A Handbook for Curriculum Development, Teacher Education, and the Placement of Affected Students,...