Barack Obama is quickly becoming America's most popular politician, and his run for the presidency has brought huge crowds at home and an unprecedented wave of international attention as well. Much more than a biography, this book is a political tour of Obama's legislative experience as well as his ideas about race, religion, and politics. Political writer John K. Wilson, author of four previous books including a study of Newt Gingrich, explores the reaction Obama has received from the left, the right, and the media. As the first presidential candidate from Generation X, Obama has generated an exciting movement of young people to support his campaign as he defines a new kind of broadly popular progressive politics. As improbable as such a quest may be this fresh new candidate may be just the right one to bridge not only generations but ideologies that often divide. Amid all the hype surrounding Obama, this book provides the first in-depth look at what he believes, what he represents, and how he might transform American politics.
A riveting, deeply personal account of history in the making—from the president who inspired us to believe in the power of democracy #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • NAACP IMAGE AWARD NOMINEE • NAMED ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE ...
In a family of many half siblings, Roy and Auma had the same mother and father, Barack Sr. and Kezia. They both had endured the trauma of that breakup and years of violence and separation when their father was married to the American, ...
The son of an African father and white American mother discusses his childhood in Hawaii, his struggle to find his identity as an African American, and his life accomplishments.
In Articulate While Black, two renowned scholars of Black Language address language and racial politics in the U.S. through an insightful examination of President Barack Obama's language use-and America's response to it.
1–88; Howard Zinn, A People's History of the UnitedStates, 1492Present (New York: HarperPerennial, 2003); Howard Zinn, Terrorism andWar (New York: Seven Stories, 2002); Howard Zinn, Declarations of Independence: CrossExamining American ...
Together, these essays suggest that Obama's central paradox is that, despite effective policymaking, he failed to receive credit for his many achievements and wasn't a party builder.
Provides an insightful look at the childhood experiences, family bonds, and personal struggles that shaped and influenced the life of a young man who would later become the first African-American president in United States history.
The story of the Obama administration is a story of abuse, corruption, and venality on the broadest scale ever to spring from the office of the presidency.
Highlights the life and achievements of the Harvard Law School graduate, legislator, and civil rights lawyer who became the forty-fourth president of the United States.
He grew up in Seattle, Honolulu, and Jakarta, attended college in Los Angeles, graduated from Columbia University in New York, graduated from Harvard Law School in Cambridge, met and married his wife, Michelle, in Chicago, and, for eight ...