This broad, balanced introduction to organizational studies enables the reader to compare and contrast different approaches to the study of organizations. This book is a valuable tool for the reader, as we are all intertwined with organizations in one form or another. Numerous other disciplines besides sociology are addressed in this book, including economics, political science, strategy and management theory. Topic areas discussed in this book are the importance of organizations; defining organizations; organizations as rational, natural, and open systems; environments, strategies, and structures of organizations; and organizations and society. For those employed in fields where knowledge of organizational theory is necessary, including sociology, anthropology, cognitive psychology, industrial engineering, managers in corporations and international business, and business strategists.
... 357 McConnon, M. 129 McConnon, S. 129 McDonagh, P. 210, 393 McFarlin, D. 408 McGregor, D. 52, 60 McHugh, D. 57, 60 McIntyre, J. 394 McKinlay, A. 95, 370 McKinley, W. 389 McLean, A. 378 McNary, L.D. 130 McNulty, T. 369 Megginson, LG.
Evaluates the significant role being played by technological advances on the formation and experience of modern group dynamics, citing such examples as Wikipedia and MySpace to demonstrate the Internet's power in bridging geographical and ...
Universities on their way to the market', Scandinavian Journal of Management, 18, 455–74. ... Czarniawska, Barbara and Orvar Löfgren (eds) (2012), Managing Overflow in Affluent Societies, New York, NY: Routledge.
Gerald F. Davis is a professor of Management and Organizations in the University of Michigan Business School. He brings extensive knowledge of strategy, social networks and social movements to this new book.
Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems
This volume shifts the analytic attention of research on race as a people-based theoretical or empirical category to organizations.
This timely collection addresses central issues in communication theory on the nature of organizing and organization.
This volume focuses on new ways of working, and explores implications of these new practices with a particular emphasis on the place occupied by technology, materiality and bodies within contemporary working configurations.
This book presents novel theoretical ideas and empirical findings where the fields of strategizing and organizing meet. At this boundary lie many of the most crucial theoretical and practical issues for management and managing.
Again, the Breakthrough Prize provides a good example. In its category of theoretical physics, the prize has upset traditional understandings of the research that is deemed valuable within the domain: 4 out of the 9 initial Breakthrough ...